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Why you should choose to use personality in your business writing


When it feels like everyone in your space is offering the same services, packaged in similar styles, and saying the same things (often in the same way), it can be hard to make yourself seen and heard.

That can feel stifling and sometimes senseless. Distinctly depressing and often overwhelming.

If you don’t find a way to show how you’re different, you’ll quickly find yourself drowning in a sea of other small business owners, all shouting from all directions – and all experiencing similar struggles.

Where’s the joy and inspiration in that?

What makes you different?

We live in an increasingly noisy world. So how do you stand out?

Choosing to use personality in your business writing is, in my opinion, by far your best option. (And it doesn’t have to cost you anything, other than perhaps a little time to understand the best way to do that for your business.)

The power and potential of making the decision to write with personality is huge. Yet so many small business owners feel frightened and put off by the prospect of how to get started with this approach.

That’s a shame.

Especially when we only have 7 seconds to capture someone’s attention with our writing. Because, with only a moment to grab those eyeballs and make a good first impression, you really need to be able to add personality and impact to your writing, right from the off.

In a world where we all have so much going on… so many options to consider… so many shiny distractions to navigate… it’s essential that you can clearly demonstrate what makes you different.

You need to be able to stand out and show people what you can do, how you do it – and why you might well be a completely brilliant choice of service provider or business partner for them.

If you don’t, you’ll become invisible to all those ideal clients and customers out there, who would actually love your help to ease their pain, solve their problem or to buy the products you’re offering.

Using the power of personality enables you to promote your expertise in a more engaging, more interesting, more influential way.

It helps you to really connect with (and make the right impression on) the customers and people who resonate with what you say and how you work – the people who will help grow your business…

It pays to mind your language

With that in mind, when did you last take time to really think about the impression that your words create?

It’s something all small business owners should be doing. (Not just professional copywriters!)

If you can use words and language well, it makes it so much easier for you to effectively promote your business. But how you use words – the style of the language you choose to employ and the tone of voice that forms your business personality – can be key factors in differentiating your proposition too.

How so? Because, just as with the clothes you choose to wear to a meeting and the look and feel of your brand identity, language and how you use it is crucial to the perception that others form of you and your business.

Think about that the next time you start to put fingers to keyboard (or touchscreen). You’re not just writing a few sentences in English; you’re creating an impression of your overall personality, approach, efficiency and capabilities. An impression that’s likely to last in the mind of your reader.

Consider how these three sample sentences sound – and the different impression that each one gives you about the company behind it:

> It is apparent that our customers desire a quick, efficient and effective service that is delivered at the right price, so we strive to ensure that we do just that.

> Our customers want a quick and efficient service at the right price. We deliver that.

> You want it cheap and fast, we do it.

Each company in this example is saying a similar thing, but in a very different way. Which would you prefer to do business with?

Why is that? And, importantly, does it make you think for a few moments about your own brand language and the impression you might be creating with the words you choose to use? I hope so…

The way you write brings your business to life. (Or switches people off in seconds.)

It’s not difficult to develop better business writing, with the right help and resources.

If you’re looking for fun, friendly and purposefully flexible professional copywriting ideas and support to catapult your copywriting confidence – so you can write with personality and impact in a way that really connects with the right people for you – Copy Café might well be your safe and happy place. 🙂

Kyla Skinner
Founder of Copy Café